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Chinese Cultural Symbols and the Spread of Chinese Culture

作者:Meng Jinghui

院校:Xinyang Normal University

摘要:Ethnic identity and national image can be presented through various iconic cultural symbols.As a Chinese nation
with a glorious civilization history of over 5000 years,there has never been a lack of iconic cultural symbols.A careful study
and in-depth excavation of the Chinese cultural symbols formed in different historical periods and their intrinsic value and
spiritual connotation,especially their role in building a good image of the Chinese nation in the process of cultural inherit
ance,interaction,communication,communication and diffusion,as well as their impact on promoting the progress of human
civilization,will help to highlight cultural self-confidence and more effectively show the world a self-improvement A new era of
China that is full of virtue,loving peace,daring to take responsibility,amiable,respectable,trustworthy,lovely,comprehensive,real,
complete,and three-dimensional.


cultural symbols; Ethnic identification; National image; Communication impact





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