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Analysis of the Value Characteristics of Entrepreneurial Entrepreneurs and the Talent Paradox

作者:Miao Hong

院校:Liaoning University of Technology, China

摘要:This collection of articles explores various aspects of entrepreneurship and its impact on innovation and economic
development. Topics covered include the dynamics of crowdfunding research versus entrepreneurship, the nature of
entrepreneurship and the backgrounds of entrepreneurs, the relationship between resources, capabilities, and performance in
entrepreneurship, the role of R&D in new firm growth, the influence of human capital on entrepreneurial performance, the
characteristics of the Entrepreneurship Society, the promise of entrepreneurship as a field of research, the role of universities
in fostering knowledge-based economic development, the relationship between personality dimensions and entrepreneurial
status, and the impact of institutional change and persistence on entrepreneurship. The articles provide valuable insights and
contribute to the understanding of entrepreneurship as a multidimensional phenomenon.


entrepreneurship; crowdfunding research; venture growth; resources and capabilities; R&D, human capital; Entrepreneurship Society; university; personality dimensions; institutional change





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