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Dynamics of parenting styles: a child guidance program

作者:Zhang Shuting

院校:University of the Visayas, Philippines

摘要:This study examines the effects of parenting styles on the physical and mental health of first-grade students. By statistically analyzing questionnaires from 158 mothers of students and 100 samples, it was found that authoritarian and
uninvolved parenting styles were positively associated with physical and mental health, while authoritative and permissive parenting styles were negatively associated. The most prevalent parenting style was authoritative, but authoritarian and nonparticipatory had a greater impact on physical and mental health. Parenting styles were not related to the age of the mother, the number of children, the level of education and employment status.


parenting styles; authoritarian; authoritative; permissive; uninvolved; physical and mental health




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