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The Impact of Personalized Learning Path Design on Online Education Platforms on Students’ Self-Learning Abilities

作者:Zhang Yinlei

院校:Hengshui University, China

摘要:The study investigates the impact of personalized learning path design on students’ self-learning abilities (SLA) within online education platforms. Employing a mixed-methods approach, the research examines the effectiveness of personalized learning through quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews with a diverse sample of online learners. The findings indicate that personalized learning path design significantly enhances students’ self-efficacy, engagement, and satisfaction, leading to improved SLA. The study’s conceptual model and empirical data support the hypothesis that personalization in learning environments fosters self-directed learning skills. The discussion highlights the implications for educational practice, emphasizing the need for online platforms to prioritize personalization and for educators to adapt their teaching methods to support diverse learner needs. The research also acknowledges limitations and suggests future directions, including longitudinal studies and expanded participant demographics. The study concludes that personalized learning path design is a promising strategy for online education platforms to empower learners and promote lifelong learning skills.


Personalized Learning; Online Education Platforms; Self-Learning Abilities; Learner Engagement; Self-Efficacy; Learning Path Design; Mixed-Methods Research; Educational Technology; Adaptive Learning; Learner-Centered Education




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