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The correlation between performance appraisal,employee turnover and human resource expenditure in textile and garment industry: a study based on employee performance

作者:Fan Xulei

院校:Shandong Vocational College of Science and Technology

摘要:  This article delves into the dynamic relationship between performance evaluation and employee turnover, with a focus on HR spending in the textile and apparel industry. Use descriptive relevant research designs in order to generate important recommendations and important insights. By fostering mentoring and knowledge-sharing programs, they can tap into the valuable wisdom these professionals offer. At the same time, it is vital to highlight gender equality. Fighting for equal opportunities in all aspects of an organization, from hiring to promotion, can bring diverse perspectives and drive overall growth.
  A nuanced approach to hiring that values diverse educational backgrounds can be a game changer. By going beyond traditional models and promoting continuous learning, companies can develop a dynamic workforce that is ready for innovation. Moreover, given the critical nature of research and development, expanding investment in these areas can lead to industry- leading innovation.
  Employee growth should become key to a company’s strategy. Committing to extensive training and career development programs can propel a company to be a pioneer in workforce development. Refined performance appraisal methods, marked by clarity and constructive feedback, can elevate the process. Transparent appraisal methods can also promote trust and collaboration.
  Financial incentives have always been a cornerstone of talent retention strategies, so a reassessment is warranted. Ensuring a competitive compensation package is critical to employee retention. Equally important is fostering positive relationships. By investing in team cohesion and conflict resolution, companies can foster a positive organizational culture.
  The well-being of employees is of the utmost importance. Introducing stress management measures and ensuring a fair distribution of tasks is a step in the right direction. Leadership needs to be continuously empowered through dedicated training to ensure that adaptive management approaches resonate.Finally, the dynamic business environment requires regular reevaluation and recalibration of HR protocol flexibility.
  The suggestions are aimed at improving HR practices in the textile and garment industry in Shandong province, reducing turnover and optimizing HR allocation.


performance evaluation; employee turnover; HR expenditure; textile and garment industry; affiliation; gender equality; research and development; employee growth; compensation scheme; organizational culture




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