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The Mediating Effect of Intellectual Capital In The Hisense Group

作者:Zhao Jingqi

院校:Graduate School of Business, University of the Visayas

摘要:Following China’s economic reforms, many Chinese enterprises have entered the global market, especially in the rapidly expanding home appliance sector. China has become a global leader in the production of household appliances, but recent problems like overcapacity, local market saturation, and imbalances between supply and demand have forced further changes. Hisense Group is a noteworthy success story in this regard, having progressively expanded its global influence over years of international development. Not only did Hisense maintain its position for the third year in a row in the “Brand z China’s top 50 overseas brands” list for 2019, but it also took the top spot among all home appliance companies. Hisense’s rise highlights the fact that products are “Made in China,” reiterating China’s position as a worldwide leader. In light of this, the study centers on the Hisense Group with the goal of examining the function and significance of intellectual capital in the business’s global expansion plan.


intellectual capital; Hisense Group




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