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Contemporary cultural shaping and social communication value of Xinyang Drum Book

作者:Han Ling

院校:Faculty of Arts, Xinyang college, Xinyang

摘要:Abstract: As a provincial intangible cultural heritage of the People's Government of Henan Province, Xinyang drum book has strong local characteristics and local flavor. Its rhythm is bright and lively, its emotion is rich and full, and its art form is exquisite, interesting and vivid, truly reflecting the face and style of rural society, which is a traditional aesthetic form that people enjoy, and the crystallization of the collective wisdom of Xinyang people, with unique Xinyang characteristics. For thousands of years, it has shaped the positive cultural energy of Xinyang region through the red spirit passed down from one generation to the next, the philosophy of loyalty and righteousness, the virtue of filial piety and the rousing hymn of the times, and has demonstrated the value of social communication in promoting the core values of socialism, practicing the theory of interconnected communication, promoting the construction of humanistic spirit in rural areas, and conveying new aesthetic
interests in harmony with the times.


Key words: Xinyang Drum Book; cultural shaping; communication value




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