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Class Writing and Community Construction in The Time Planning Bureau

作者:Li Yanyang

院校:Faculty of Arts, Xinyang college, Xinyang

摘要:Abstract: The science fiction film "Time Planning Bureau" presents a profound class writing and community ideal. The journey of the hero Will Salas from silently enduring the oppression of the capitalist exploitation system to finally taking the road of violent resistance is a typical portrayal of breaking the class barriers and fighting for freedom and independence, exposing the ubiquitous exploitation of workers by capitalism. Faced with exploitation and oppression, the working class gradually awakens its class consciousness from factories to stores to banks, and finally the workers move from unorganized violent resistance to united action, which must fulfill the mission of constructing a working class community.


Key words: The Time Planning Agency; exploitation; class consciousness; resistance




References [1]Marx. Capital (Vol. 1) [M]. Beijing: People's Publishing House, 2004. [2][Hungarian] Lukács. History and class consciousness[M].Beijing: The Commercial Press, 2014: 142. [3]Marx, Engels. The Communist Manifesto [M].Du Zhangzhi,Ren Li, Yan Hongyuan, translator, Beijing: People's Publishing House, 2014:  47.  [4]Selected Works of Lenin (Vol. 4) [M]. Beijing: People's Publishing House, 2012: 235.

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