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The Coupling Possibility and Limiting Constraint to Promote Educational Equity by Information Technology

作者:Wang huyie

院校:University of the Visayas/ Zhejiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

摘要:Abstract: The effect of IT on education will be greatly affected by the formation of the inner and outer fairness of education, the dissemination of knowledge and the promotion of equality. The idea of fairness and equity, the duplication of high quality classroom resources, the replacement of outstanding teachers Resources, and satisfying students’ personalized learning needs. However, the influence of information technology in Promoting equity in education is limited. As regards promoting equal access to education, Technology cannot reconstruct a set of more equitable “entrance” rules to solve the disparity in the enjoymentof Quality education due to the involvement of various family economic capital in the choice of schools in diverse Educational stages.With regard to the promotion of equity in education, the Gap between the “enjoyment” and the “use” of information technology among differentiated groups.In terms of Promoting the fairness of educational process, information technology can expand the coverage of high-quality Educational resources by replicating the “teaching”
of better teachers, but there are still limitations in the function Of “education”, such as caring for children’s internal spirits, cultivating their morality and emotions.In terms of Promoting equity in educational outcomes, information technology, as an instrumental means, cannot fundamentally Reverse the inequalities in education opportunities, education processes, and educational conditions by themselves, and So that a fair result can be achieved for all. In the future, along with the transformation of educational fair value proposition And the development of information technology, the coupling possibility and constraint mechanism of information Technology to support education justice will create new uncertainties, and the interplay of these will require To be looked at in the long run.


Key words: Information Technology; Education Equity; Coupling Mechanism; Limiting Constraints




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