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From Virtual Reality to Metaworld: New Trend of Network Teaching

作者:Liu Jian, Wang Xue, Gao Chang, Hu Yong

院校:School of Foreign Languages for Business, Guangxi University of Finance and Economics

摘要:Abstract: Metauniverse is a new era in the development of virtual virtual technology. Its essence is an online virtual space associated with the real virtual world. Innovation and development of contemporary human society. The development of virtual reality technology has gone through four stages: desktop virtual reality, immersive virtual reality, extended reality and metaworld. Meta-space has crossed the gap between time and space, will reshape the “co-existing” network teaching space, and create a meta-space intelligent network learning environment. The technical system of intelligent network learning environment includes the construction environment, information environment, psychological environment and spiritual environment, including composite resources, intelligent tools, image activities, whole-person evaluation, precision teaching, learning partners and teaching groups, including composite resources, intelligent tools, image activities, whole-person evaluation, precision teaching, physical learning, learning partners and teaching groups, and focuses on promoting learners’ intelligence in terms of training objectives. The meta-space will deeply reconstruct the network teaching resources, teaching modes, learning support services and the verification of network teaching. The future meta-space will be a new starting point for the transformation of online teaching. We must plan online teaching in meta-space in advance, accelerate the development of new infrastructure, build its development foundation, build a new research framework to form its development momentum, and explore new ethical ideas to clarify its development logic.


metauniverse; Network teaching




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