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Analysis of Serum Lipase Level Variations in Patients with Pancreatitis

作者:Shen Yun

院校:Chengde Medical College, China

摘要:This paper reviews the further research on serum lipase in patients with pancreatitis and its application as an
evaluation indicator. The measurement of serum lipase levels plays a significant role in the diagnosis, prognosis evaluation, and
treatment decision-making of pancreatitis. This paper emphasizes the diagnostic accuracy and prognostic value of serum lipase
levels in pancreatitis, as well as the importance of monitoring treatment response. Future research needs to validate standards,
explore the dynamic monitoring and predictive ability of serum lipase for complications, and investigate the potential of lipase
as a therapeutic target. These efforts will contribute to a better understanding of pancreatitis and improve patient outcomes.


Keywords: pancreatitis; serum lipase; diagnosis; prognosis; treatment; dynamic monitoring; complications




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