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"The Role of Dispatched Employees in the Chinese TV Production Industry: A Critical Analysis of Their Employment Practices and Implications"

作者:Li Qi

院校:Graduate School of Business, University of the Visayas

摘要:This paper critically analyzes the employment practice and influence of dispatched employees in China's TV
production industry, and points out that these practices occupy an important position in China's TV industry. Since these
workers are not considered permanent employees of the manufacturing company, they are excluded from the management
of the factory. Through a literature review of some important research literature, news articles and industry reports, we find
that dispatched workers play an important role in the television production industry. Their working conditions and working
conditions have raised concerns about the treatment of workers in the industry. In addition, we find that the work practices of
dispatched workers affect the relationship between industrial workers and management and weaken the role of trade unions in
solving labor problems.


Dispatched Employees; Chinese TV Production Industry





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