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A Study on the Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention - Taking M Company as an Example

作者:Yin Lei

院校:Graduate School of Business, University of the Visayas

摘要:This study focuses on M Company and explores the relationship between job satisfaction and turnover intention.
Through questionnaire survey and data analysis, using SPSS 21.0 software for descriptive statistics, analysis of variance,
correlation analysis, and regression analysis, this study found that the job satisfaction of employees in the company was
generally low, while their turnover intention was high. Among the five dimensions of job satisfaction, employees show the
highest satisfaction with teamwork and the lowest satisfaction with job returns. In addition, this study also found a significant
negative correlation between job satisfaction and turnover intention of enterprise employees. Based on these research findings,
this article proposes the following three suggestions to help improve the human resources management of the enterprise:
improving the modernization level of enterprise performance management, establishing a reasonable and incentivized salary
system, and improving the communication and exchange mechanism between superiors and subordinates.


M company; Job satisfaction; Resignation intention





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