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Reflection on Children Consumer Behavior and Retailer Relationship

作者:Tan Ruhua

院校:Jianghan University, China

摘要:This article explores the theoretical foundations of children’s consumer behavior and the relationship between
retailers and children consumers. Theoretical frameworks such as Piaget’s Cognitive Development Theory, Vygotsky’s
Social Development Theory, Social Identity Theory, Information Processing Theory, and Consumer Socialization Theory
provide insights into the cognitive, social, and psychological factors that shape children’s consumer behavior. Research on
the relationship between retailers and children consumers examines the effects of the retail environment, in-store marketing
techniques, ethical considerations, influencer marketing, and digital shopping experiences on children’s consumer behavior.
The findings contribute to a better understanding of how retailers can engage and cater to the unique needs and characteristics
of this consumer segment.


children consumer behavior; theoretical foundations; retailer relationship; retail environment; in-store marketing; ethical considerations; influencer marketing; digital shopping experiences





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