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Research on Employment Relationship Stability: The Perspective of Psychological Contract Expectations

作者:Lin Yifu

院校:Hefei Normal University, China

摘要:Psychological contracts play a critical role in organizational relationships, shaping employees’ expectations
and perceptions of fairness and fulfillment. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the literature on psychological
contracts, including key findings, limitations, and future research directions. The findings highlight the factors that influence
psychological contract expectations, such as organizational support, leadership style, and individual characteristics.
Additionally, the paper discusses strategies for organizations to promote positive psychological contract expectations through
clear communication and a fair work environment. However, several limitations, such as sample specificity and reliance on
self-report data, are identified. Future research is suggested to examine long-term effects, the role of leadership development
programs, the impact of economic changes, and the influence of technological advancements on psychological contracts.


psychological contracts; organizational relationships; expectations; fairness; fulfillment; organizational support; leadership style; employee characteristics; limitations; future research directions





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