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Research on the protection of employment rights for young elderly people in the context of active aging

作者:Wang fan

院校:North University of China, China

摘要:This article reviews the topics of aging and employment policies, perceptions of aging among older adults, and their impact on willingness to continue working, as well as the importance of social policies for elderly employment and future research directions. Research has shown that aging presents various challenges to the employment rights of older adults (aged 50 to 65), including age discrimination, fair wages, training opportunities, and supportive work environments. Policy interventions aimed at addressing these issues include strengthening legal frameworks,promoting age-inclusive practices, establishing support networks, and ongoing research on protecting employment rights. This article synthesizes important research from various fields, providing insights for the development and implementation of relevant policies.


Aging; employment policies; perceptions of aging; willingness to continue working; age discrimination; age inclusivity; social policies; legal frameworks; support networks; research directions




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