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Research on the pricing of insurance for connected cars: prospects for the application of 5G technology in the Internet of Vehicles

作者:Lu Feikun

院校:Anhui Science And Technology University, China

摘要:This article provides an overview of the challenges and opportunities of 5G technologies in relation to vehicle-toeverything (V2X) communications in the context of Internet of Vehicles (IoV). The focus is particularly on the application of 5G technologies in V2X communications. The study reveals that 5G technologies have significant potential in the domain of insurance pricing in the IoV, enabling improved accuracy in risk assessment, personalized pricing, and fostering innovation opportunities. However, the research also highlights certain limitations and challenges, such as network coverage, network security, and data privacy concerns. Despite these challenges, this research contributes positively to the field of insurance pricing in the IoV and the application of 5G technologies in the vehicular domain.


5G technologies; Internet of Vehicles (IoV); vehicle-to-everything communications; insurance pricing; risk assessment; personalized pricing; innovation opportunities; network coverage; network security; data privacy




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