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Thinking on the information construction of enterprise business administration in the supply chain era

作者:Sun Shanguang1,2 , Zhao Shen1,3

院校:1 University of San Carlos, Philippines;2 Konica Minolta Business solutions, China;3 Design and Research Institute of Chongqing Construction Engineering Group, China

摘要:This paper mainly focuses on the information construction of enterprise business management in the era of supply chain. With the progress of The Times, the concept and mode of enterprise management have also changed, so the traditional management mode has no longer adapted to the modern standards. In the new era, enterprises need to deal with the rapidly changing market, and high-quality management cannot be ignored. If it cannot keep pace with The Times, it will restrict the development of enterprises. The comprehensive integration of the supply chain and the Internet promotes the industrial integration, the social division of labor, and the improvement of the integrated innovation ability, and can create the coordinated development between the upstream and downstream enterprises in the supply chain, and achieve the informatization of production, design, consumption, recycling and other links.


supply chain era; enterprise business administration; information construction




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