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The "Pre-Schoolness" of Kindergarten Curriculum and Teaching: Its Practical Logic

作者:Bai lu Shanxi

院校:Datong University, China

摘要:This study examines the concept of "preschoolness" in kindergarten curriculum and teaching. It explores the limitations of the current study, which include sample size and generalizability, research design and methodology, time and resource constraints, and subjectivity and bias. To overcome these limitations, future research directions are proposed, such as conducting larger sample studies, utilizing a mixed methods approach, conducting longitudinal studies, comparative studies, investigating professional development and teacher training, and exploring parent and community perspectives. By addressing these limitations and exploring future research directions, a more comprehensive understanding of "preschoolness" can be achieved, contributing to the enhancement of kindergarten education practices and positive outcomes for young children.


preschoolness; kindergarten curriculum; future research directions; sample size; research design; methodology; time constraints; larger sample studies; mixed methods approach; longitudinal studies; comparative studies; professional development




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