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The Impact of Exogenous Stressors on Job Stress of Primary and Secondary School Teachers: Based on the Masking Effect of SelfEfficacy

作者:Liu Kai

院校:Hengshui University, Hengshui, China

摘要:This article focuses on the analysis of data related to occupational stress, job stress, job satisfaction, and wellbeing indicators among teachers. Various statistical techniques, including descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis, mediation analysis, and robustness checks, were employed to examine the relationships and provide insights into the research hypotheses. The findings contribute to our understanding of the factors influencing teacher satisfaction and well-being. The study highlights the importance of addressing occupational and job stress to promote overall teacher well-being.


occupational stress; job stress; job satisfaction; well-being indicators; data analysis; correlation analysis; regression analysis; mediation analysis; teachers




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