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Bottlenecks and Future Analysis of the Internet of Things

作者:Zhang Yadi

院校:Ningbo University of Technology, China

摘要:This article introduces the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT), its application areas, and market growth trends. It also discusses the main challenges facing IoT, including technical bottlenecks, security issues, and standardization and compatibility problems. In the future, IoT will continue to integrate emerging technologies such as 5G, artificial intelligence, and edge computing to address various real-world problems, promote sustainable development, and environmental protection. However, with the rapid development of IoT, social and ethical issues should also be given attention, including privacy protection and data security. Finally, this article proposes future research directions and recommendations to promote the healthy development and innovation in the field.


Internet of Things; application areas; market growth; technical bottlenecks; security issues; standardization; future trends; social and ethical issues; research directions.




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