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Analysis of Digital Finance in Alleviating the Financing Problems of Micro and Small Enterprises

作者:Zhang Yanlin

院校:Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University, China

摘要:This paper explores the relationship between digital financial tools and small business financing, focusing on mobile payments, internet lending platforms, blockchain technology, and big data analytics for credit assessment. It discusses how these digital financial innovations have positively impacted small businesses by expanding financing channels, reducing costs, improving risk management, and enhancing financial sustainability. Additionally, the paper provides a comparative analysis of the application of these tools across different countries and regions. It highlights their varying degrees of adoption and influence on financial inclusion, innovation, and economic growth. The study contributes to understanding the transformative role of digital finance in addressing small business financing challenges globally.


Digital financial tools, small business financing, mobile payments, internet lending platforms, blockchain technology, big data analytics, financial inclusion, innovation, economic growth, comparative analysis




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