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The Application of Digital Teaching Resources in Higher Education and Its Impact on Learning Outcomes

作者:Cheng Xiao

院校:Chengdu Neusoft University, China

摘要:The integration of digital teaching resources in higher education has become increasingly prevalent, offering transformative potential for teaching and learning. This study employed a mixed-methods approach to investigate the application and impact of digital resources on learning outcomes within higher education settings. Quantitative data from surveys indicated a positive correlation between digital resource usage and learning motivation, with students demonstrating higher knowledge retention and engagement levels. Qualitative interviews highlighted themes such as personalization, engagement, and the challenges of the digital divide and professional development needs. The research underscores the importance of strategic integration, equitable access, and ongoing support for educators and students. Recommendations for higher education institutions and policy makers include improving digital access, fostering a culture of innovation, and providing professional development opportunities. The study also identifies areas for future research, such as the long-term impact of digital resources and the potential of emerging technologies.


Digital Teaching Resources; Higher Education; Learning Outcomes; Mixed-Methods Research; Technology Integration; Professional Development; Digital Divide; Information Literacy




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