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The Impact of Trade Protectionism on Global Macroeconomy and Countermeasures

作者:Li Yu

院校:Heilongjiang University, China

摘要:The research paper provides an in-depth analysis of the impact of trade protectionism on the global macroeconomy, examining both its short-term and long-term effects. It discusses the repercussions on international trade flows, global supply chains, employment, economic growth, and international relations. The study utilizes a combination of quantitative data and qualitative case studies to assess the efficacy of protectionist policies and their broader implications for economic governance and sustainable development. Policy recommendations are presented to strengthen the multilateral trading system, promote trade liberalization, and enhance the resilience of economies to external shocks.


Trade protectionism; Global macroeconomy; International trade; Tariffs; Global supply chains; Economic growth; Employment; Multilateral trading system; Trade liberalization; Economic resilience; Sustainable development




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