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The Potential Impact of Quantum Computing on the Strategy of the Financial Service Industry

作者:Yan Pei

院校:Chengdu University of Technology, China

摘要:This paper explores the profound implications of quantum computing for the financial services industry. By leveraging the principles of quantum mechanics, quantum computing promises to revolutionize areas such as portfolio optimization, risk management, trade execution, and fraud detection. The paper provides a comprehensive overview of quantum computing technology, including the fundamentals of qubits, quantum entanglement, and quantum algorithms. It delves into the challenges and risks associated with implementing quantum computing, such as technological maturity, investment costs, talent development, and legal and ethical issues. Case studies illustrate the successes and failures in applying quantum computing to financial services, offering valuable insights for strategic planning. The paper concludes with strategic recommendations for financial institutions and policymakers, emphasizing the need for a balanced approach that considers both the transformative potential and the inherent risks of quantum computing.


Quantum Computing; Financial Services; Portfolio Optimization; Risk Management; Trade Execution; Fraud Detection; Technological Challenges; Strategic Planning; Legal and Ethical Considerations




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