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Correctly deal with “Education, Science, Technology, and Talented People” in the New Age

作者:Yang Jing

院校:University of the Visayas/ Zhejiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

摘要:Abstract: The Communist Party of China’s 20 th National Congress (CPC) has proposed a new concept, And new demands for “Education, Science, Technology, and Talents”, as well as the new The policies and the new actions that they include that are essential to our scientific understanding and correct Handle the relationship between the three in the new era and new journey.The research shows that education, science and Science, and talented people are dialectic and uniform.In them, education is the basis, and talented people are the principal part of it. Science and technology are the impetus. “Education, Science, Technology and Talents” can be more responsive to and Serve the overall requirements of the construction of a socialist modern country only if they form a three-dimensional In order to deal with them correctly, it is necessary to pay more attention to the fundamental function of education, to insist on the priority of education, to give priority to talented people, and to carry out talented person’s leadership and impetus, to pay attention to the motive force of science and technology.


Education; Science & Technology; Talented person; Three-dimension Integration of Triangle Coordination




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