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当前位置: 首页 >> 英文期刊 >> Modern General Practice >> 2023 >> 1

Criteria for Admission to Palliative Care for Non-Cancer Patients

作者:Chen Yuanfang

院校:Bengbu Medical College, China

摘要:Palliative care, also known as end-of-life care, aims to reduce the suffering of patients and improve their quality of
life during the terminal stage of illness. It focuses on providing comfort and maintaining patients' dignity. This paper examines
the current status and prospects of palliative care for patients without cancer. It discusses the importance of palliative care for
non-cancer patients and the need for equitable access to such care. The study explores the concept of palliative care, its value
and significance, and highlights the challenges and inequities in providing palliative care to non-cancer patients.


Keywords: palliative care; end-of-life care; non-cancer patients; terminal illness; comfort; quality of life; dignity




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