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Exploration of Vocational College English Teaching Reform under the Background of MOOC

作者:Li Yanyang

院校:Faculty of Arts, Xinyang college, China

摘要:This study aims to explore the integration of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in vocational college English
teaching and propose relevant policies and recommendations. Through an analysis of the development trends of MOOCs in
vocational college English teaching, we have identified personalized learning, blended learning, and lifelong learning as the
main trends for future development. However, issues such as technological and equipment limitations, faculty development and
training, and evaluation systems need to be addressed. Therefore, we recommend the formulation of corresponding policies and
standards, strengthening faculty development and training, and improving evaluation systems and learning outcome verification
mechanisms. Additionally, we introduce the innovations and limitations of this paper and outline future research directions,
including long-term impact analysis, learner engagement and motivation, and pedagogical approaches and learning analytics.


MOOCs; online education; vocational college English teaching; personalized learning; blended learning; lifelong learning; policies and standards





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+65 6396 6190
