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Research on Strategies to Enhance the International Communication Effectiveness of Chinese Higher Education

作者:Han Ling

院校:Faculty of Arts, Xinyang college, China

摘要:This study provides an analysis of the factors influencing the global communication of higher education. The
research findings highlight the importance of the policy environment, financial support, academic reputation, cultural diversity,
and language factors in attracting international students and scholars. The data reveals that countries with favorable policies
and sufficient funding resources have experienced a significant increase in international student enrollment. Additionally,
universities with high academic reputation and rankings tend to attract a larger number of international students. Moreover,
countries and universities that promote a diverse cultural environment and offer robust language support services have
witnessed increased enrollment of international students. However, it is important to note the limitations of the study, including
data availability and generalizability. Future research should focus on collecting more extensive and up-to-date data and
exploring the impact of technological advancements on global communication in higher education.


global communication; higher education; international students; policy environment; financial support; academic reputation; cultural diversity; language support; data availability; technological advancements





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