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Academic Ecology of Young Faculty in Higher Education: Crisis and Balance

作者:He Xiao

院校:Hengshui University, Hengshui, China

摘要:This paper explores the academic ecology of young faculty members in higher education institutions. It examines the
key findings regarding mentoring and support systems, the challenges of publishing and securing funding, and the importance
of work-life balance for young faculty members. Insights and recommendations are provided to improve the academic ecology,
such as strengthening mentoring programs, offering professional development opportunities, and fostering a supportive work
environment. The limitations of the study are also acknowledged, suggesting future research directions, including examining
other career stages and cultural contexts, and employing mixed-methods approaches. This study contributes to understanding
and supporting young faculty members’ experiences and career development.


young faculty members, academic ecology, mentoring, professional development, work-life balance, publishing challenges, supportive work environment





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