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The impact of perceived reputation, usefulness and ease of use on users’ behavioral intentions: a case study of mobile banking in china

作者:Wang Lisha

院校:Graduate School of Business, University of the Visayas, Philippines

摘要:This study aims to explore the influence of perceived reputation, usefulness, and ease of use on the behavioral
intentions of mobile banking users in Guizhou Province, China, and through statistical analysis and empirical research,
some meaningful results have been found. Here, this article summarizes the main findings of the study. The study distributed
questionnaires among 350 mobile bank users in Guizhou Province, and recovered 285 valid questionnaires. The findings show
that perceived reputation, usefulness, and ease of use have a significant impact on mobile banking users’ behavioral intentions.
In addition, the study also found that perceived reputation and ease of use have a greater impact on user behavior intention,
while usefulness has relatively less impact on user behavior intention.


Mobile Banking; Perceived Reputation; Ease Of Use; Usefulness; Behavioral Intentions.





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