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Formulation of the Transnationalization Strategy of National Enterprises

作者:Wu Zongxun

院校:Graduate School of Business, University of the Visayas, Philippines

摘要:The objects and research are state-owned enterprises of the Republic of Belarus . The purpose of this work is
to determine the theoretical basis of international capital migration and to develop recommendations and strategies for the
transnationalization of Belarusian enterprises. Research methods: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, normative
and empirical analysis, logical and historical analysis, economic and mathematical methods. Research and development:
theoretical basis of international capital migration and formation of multinational corporations, characterization of main
concepts, premises, forms and trends; identification of characteristics, trends and problems of transnationalization of foreign
and Belarusian companies; strategies and directions of transnationalization of state enterprises of the Republic of Belarus
have been formulate. Elements of scientific novelty: development of strategies and directions for the transnationalization
of Belarusian enterprises, identification of modern trends in the development of international capital migration and
transnationalization. Possible areas of practical application are foreign economic activities of Belarusian companies. Economic
Significance: The proposed activities will attract investment from multinational companies to the economy of the Republic of
Belarus. Social significance: Attracting multinational companies to the Republic of Belarus will create new job opportunities.


State-owned enterprises in Belarus; international capital migration; transnational corporations





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