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Enterprise Operation Management and Decision Optimization in the Era of Big Data

作者:Zhao Shen1,2 ,Sun Shanguang1,3

院校:1 University of San Carlos, Philippines;2 Design and Research Institute of Chongqing Construction Engineering Group, China;3 Konica Minolta Business solutions, China

摘要:With the advent of the era of big data, profound changes have taken place in enterprise operation management and decision optimization. The purpose of this paper is to discuss how big data technology can change the operation mode of enterprises, improve the efficiency of decision-making, and analyze how enterprises can use big data technology to optimize the operation management and decision-making process. Through the collection, processing and analysis of a large number of data, enterprises can more accurately understand the market trends, consumer demand, product performance and other information, and then make more informed decisions.


big data; Enterprise operation management; Decision optimization




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