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Zero Hour Initiative in American Art Education and Its Implications for China”

作者:Zhao Jingna

院校:Department of international culture and communication, China

摘要:This paper delves into an extensive analysis of the “Zero Point Plan” in American arts education and its implications for China. The research reveals key findings, including the success of the “Zero Point Plan” as a reform initiative in the United States, the significant disparities between the arts education systems of China and the United States, and the pivotal role of cultural factors in shaping arts education. Building upon these findings, the paper emphasizes the potential and importance of collaboration in arts education between China and the United States. Such collaboration can foster cross-cultural exchange, resource sharing, and the nurturing of creativity, ultimately contributing to the enhancement of arts education quality and accessibility in both countries.


Arts Education; Zero Point Plan; Cultural Values; Educational Systems; Collaboration; Creativity; Cross-Cultural Exchange; Resource Sharing; China; United States




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