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Lessons from the British Early Childhood Education and Qualification Certification System for Early Childhood Education in China

作者:Zhang Xia

院校:School of Foreign Languages, Chengdu College of Arts and Sciences, China

摘要:This paper explores the early childhood education systems in the United Kingdom (UK) and China, providing valuable insights and lessons for improving early childhood education in China. It discusses key aspects of education philosophy, teacher training and professional development, qualification certification and standards, policy recommendations, and future prospects. The UK’s emphasis on child-centered education, the use of play-based learning methods, and the recognition of the importance of social and emotional development serve as valuable lessons for China’s early childhood education system. Additionally, the paper highlights the need for unified national standards and certification, higher entry requirements for teachers, ongoing professional development, practical experience for teachers, and diverse certification pathways. The future of early childhood education in China includes raising the social status of early childhood educators, integrating digital education and technology, promoting interdisciplinary education, enhancing collaboration between families and schools, and addressing the needs of special children.


Early Childhood Education; United Kingdom; China; Education Philosophy; Teacher Training; Professional Development; Qualification Certification; Policy Recommendations; Future Prospects




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