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Optimization and Improvement of ICT Product Marketing Strategy of WY Company in Guangdong Province, China

作者:Xie Jiajia

院校:University of San Carlos, Philippines

摘要:In this chapter, for the problems occurred in the marketing process of ICT products of WY Company in Guangdong Province, the disadvantageous opportunity strategy in SWOT is adopted to carry out the optimization of marketing strategy suggestions, based on the product technical advantages and service advantages for market positioning, and the focus is summarized for the optimization of marketing strategy improvement suggestions for the ICT products of WY Company as follows. adopting the strategy of product differentiation and combination, flexible and reasonable strategy of the pricing mechanism of the products; Improve the product distribution channel strategy; achieve product promotion diversification strategy, then optimize the product service process, and use the standard internal and external systems, multi-dimensional relationship maintenance for protection, and ultimately to achieve significant performance results of WY company, and therefore enhance the future marketing competitiveness of WY company.


marketing strategy; optimization and improvement




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