Research on the Model Innovation and Risk Prevention and Control of the Integrated Development of the Medical and Health Industry and Finance
院校:YingKou Institute of Technology, Liaoning Yingkou, 115014
摘要:This research focuses on the integrated development of the medical and health industry and finance. It first analyzes the current situation, including the development status of the medical and health industry in terms of market scale, growth rate, industry structure and characteristics, as well as the application and problems of financial means in this industry. Then, it explores various model innovations such as financing model innovation (equity and debt financing), investment model innovation (direct and indirect investment), and risk-sharing and cooperation model innovation (PPP and industry-universityresearch cooperation). Moreover, it studies the risk prevention and control measures related to market, credit and policy risks. Through case studies of both successful and failed examples, it summarizes the achievements and experiences as well as lessons learned. Finally, it concludes with research conclusions about the model innovation achievements and the effectiveness of risk prevention and control, and provides future prospects and recommendations regarding development trends, policy suggestions and research directions for further improvement.
Medical and Health Industry; Finance; Integrated Development; Model Innovation; Risk Prevention and Control
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